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Friday, April 01, 2011


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Trish Rowley

Hi Kim, that's my kind of coffee lounge coffee and entertainment right up my alley. I love the photo of the snow caped mountains, was that taken recently? sorry for my ignorance but is a cup of "joe" a cup of coffee? I have heard the expression a few times but I really don't know what it means. It's late Friday night here so I will wish you a Blessed weekend. Trish xox ;)

Bluebirds and Butterflies

Hi Trish,
I am glad you enjoyed my tour of the coffee house. There is another coffee house we go to sometimes that also has music. They feature an "open mic" and local talents take turns going up to the mic to entertain... I am always amazed by some of the guitarists and vocalists we have in our area. Some are so good that they could be on American Idol or any of the other talent search shows on television. The photo of the mountains you mentioned was taken at Seabeck, WA, not too far from where we live. It was taken a couple of months ago on a cold morning. There is still snow on our mountains here...but we are seeing evidence of spring in the budding of the trees and the emerging of daffodils. The spot in the photo is a place where many people will stop to view the mountains and water. Very pretty view as you can see. To answer your question, a "cup of Joe" is, indeed, a cup of coffee---common slang in the United States. I am glad you asked about it. I hope you have a wonderful weekend there in beautiful Australia. (((hugs))) Kim

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