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Wednesday, March 30, 2011


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Kim! Thanks for sharing Port Gamble with us! What a gorgeoous town! You capture the essence beautifully with your camera! I love the way the baskets are lined up on the porch in one of the shops. The Ames Williams house is gorgeous! The photos and story about the tree are fascinating. Thanks for the close-up shots. I won't ever have to visit Washington! You're taking us all on some nice historic adventures. What kind of camera are you using? I'm hoping one day to get a Canon Rebel, right now I'm just using a small point and shoot. Thank you for the tour!



I do remember Port Gamble. You showed us where they did the Civil War performance. It's a beautiful area and your wonderful pictures make me want to visit again.

Bluebirds and Butterflies

Hi Ashley,
Thanks for stopping by to say hi and view the photos! It was fun to do all the photos of Port Gamble. We will have to return there when you come to visit again. There is a barbecue place that we have not tried yet. We understand it is very good. I just love the little Port Gamble community. Hugs to you and Brenna... xoxo Kim

Bluebirds and Butterflies

Hi Sandy,
I am so glad you enjoyed the Port Gamble walking tour with me. There are a few other places in Port Gamble that I would like to share in a future posting. You should visit Washington State sometime and see it all in person. It is a beautiful State. I have family and friends who live in Florida and Texas. Blogging is such a nice way to share things with others who live far away. To answer your question, I have a couple of cameras that I use to take photos of the places we go. One is my little Sony 10.1 digital camera---great for sticking in a purse or pocket of a jacket. I carry this camera with me everywhere I go. When I don't have it with me, I always see something beautiful and wish I had remembered to bring it. The other camera I use is a Canon EOS T3-i (Rebel) and is probably the camera you mentioned. It was the camera I used to photograph Port Gamble. This camera is awesome for detail. I am still learning to use it and have never taken photography classes. I would love to get a new zoom lens for it. I have a couple of other cameras, too, but these are my favorites. Thank you for the nice comments, Sandy. Have a fabulous day! xoxo Kim


Hi Kim,

I'm researching cameras. Over the past few years I've been using the point and shoot digital cameras. I've had a Nikon, Canon Powershot, and now a Panasonic. Years ago, I was into photography and had a Canon AE-1 with a macro, and zoom lens. That was back in the day when we shot with a 35 mm lens.

I've heard really great things about the Canon Rebel and I'm looking for one that I can grow with. You take awesome pictures.

BTW...the picture with you and Sadie Mae is gorgeous!

Have a beautiful bluebird day. BTW.....I'm looking into getting a nesting box for blue birds. Michigan has a blue bird website and I'm finding that bluebirds are kind of rare around here because of the starling and blackbirds.

Bluebirds and Butterflies

Hi Sandy,
Hope you are enjoying your weekend. On the cameras, I LOVE my Cannon EOS Rebel so far. I am thinking you would love it, too. You mentioned a macro lens and that is one that I would like to get for this camera. I also want to get a nice zoom lens for it. I have not had this camera very long and am still learning to use it so I am only using the auto setting for the moment. I am thinking if I am getting this great a shot without knowing much about it yet, I will really be able to take great shots down the road as I learn how to use the different settings. The bluebird site sounds awesome! You will have to put a link on your site to it. Hope you get lots of bluebirds in your nesting box. Have a great day and Sadie Mae sends her love... xoxo Kim


Hey there Kim!

Sounds like you had a busy weekend, love the color in your bedroom! Love your blog, and I always wonder what you're up to next! Guess what? I bought a camera this weekend yoo hoo! After much researching and thinking what would work for me, I settled on a Canon EOS D 60 with the kit lens. It was such a difficult choice between the Rebel and the D60. Both are excellent cameras.

Kim..you're already on your way! You take gorgeous photos! I'm like you, just got the camera yesterday, so I'll be using the manual controls for awhile until I get used to the camera. Isn't this fun? I wanted to share another blog with you. It really inspired me, especially with the photography. Perhaps it might inspire you as well. It's called the Italian Girl in Georgia.


Since we're both getting used to our cameras....It will be fun to see each others growth! Because of you, I'm now fascinated with Bluebirds!

Cyber hugs to you and miss Sadie Mae!

Bluebirds and Butterflies

Hi Sandy,
Congratulations on your new camera! I know you are excited about it! I am looking forward to seeing some gorgeous shots on your own blog. You can probably give me so good pointers as you begin discovering new ways to take photographs and trying the different settings. I am eyeing a new lens for my camera right now. I would like to buy a new zoom and, at some point, a macro. I love taking very close-up shots, and they are great for that. Thank you for the suggestion of the "Italian Girl in Georgia" blog. I will definitely take a look at it and will probably place it on my "other nests to visit" category. I miss Kim at http://deardaisycottage.typepad.com/ -- don't you? Looking forward to her returning to the blogging community at some point. I enjoy going to her site and visiting...even though she is not updating right now. So many great photos and love her home tours. She was the one who inspired me to do a blog. It was the type of blog I wanted to do...not selling anything...just sharing things that you love. There are soooo many wonderful blogs out there and so many talented and interesting people. I have discovered a blog I am following now called "Mockingbird Hill Cottage." http://mockingbirdhillcottage.blogspot.com/ The writer really makes you a part of her life... I have started at the beginning of her blog and am reading forward. I read her current post and then go back to pick up with another day that I missed. Sandy, you might enjoy this blog as well. Thank you for visiting me and have a wonderful day! xoxo Kim

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Bluebirds and Butterflies
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