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Sunday, March 06, 2011


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Bluebirds and Butterflies

Thank you, Kim, at Dear Daisy Cottage for inspiring me to create my own playlist. Music adds so much pleasure to our lives! Thanks for being so sweet to me, Kim, and for the vision of what a beautiful and inspirational blog can be... xoxo Kim

Lavender Dreams

What a great playlist! Love all of this music! ♥

Bluebirds and Butterflies

I am so glad you enjoy the music! Thank you for letting me know. I read each and every one of the comments that I get, and they all are precious to me! The song that pulls up first on the playlist when you open Bluebirds and Butterflies may change from time to time so that it stays with the feeling of what I am writing. But, the music will always be mellow and inviting! I am always open to suggestions for what readers would like to hear as well. I have to give credit to my new friend, Kim, at Dear Daisy Cottage, for inspiring me to select a playlist for my own blog. So glad you love it!

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