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Thursday, June 09, 2011


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Loved the visit to Friday Harbor!! The pics were great........such beautiful country!

Sheri, Jess, and Nel

I love mermaids. We just went to San Diego yesterday and there was this outpost shop that we went to. One section of the store had the most unique and wonderful mermaids. I have collected a few mermaids through the years, and I want to do a post about them someday. Was that a restaurant or a store?
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Mrs. Zwieg

I LOVE this post! I am finally making the rounds from Wednesday...thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I LOVE your blog and I am a NEW follower! Hope you will follow me back!

Bluebirds and Butterflies

Hi and welcome new follower! So sweet of you! I love all my readers and appreciate and read every comment. The Wordless Wednesday event you mentioned was a lot of fun. I am off to visit your blog right now... Have a fabulous rest of the day! xoxo Kim

Bluebirds and Butterflies

Hi Sheri, Jess and Nel,
Thank you for your visit and nice comment today. The shop you asked about in my posting today was a nautical shop. They had a little variety of things... I just loved the mermaids on the signs! You should definitely do a posting on your mermaids. It would be very interesting to see your collection! Hope you have a beautiful rest of the day! xoxo Kim

Bluebirds and Butterflies

Hi my dear Lori!
I am always so happy to see you visit me! I am so glad you enjoyed the trip to San Juan Islands. I hear that Roche Harbor is the best place to visit...we didn't get to go there on this trip. But, hope to over the summer! I hope you are doing well! Miss you very much! xoxo Kim


Kim! Thanks for the tour! Looking forward to part II. Head on over to Orcas Island one day. My sister-in-laws parents live there and she goes every year. I have yet to visit, but I here it's a great place! Also, Victoria British Columbia is supposed to be quite the place to visit! Have a great weekend!



That was a wonderful trip!!! Everything was so beautiful, it was impossible to take a bad picture. Between your camera and mine, Bren had her own personal paparazzi!!

Bluebirds and Butterflies

Hi Ashley,
Did you get a surprise when you clicked on the Puget Sound Express website link at the bottom of my posting on "Part Two?" That was so nice of them to feature my blog posting on their website! I was surprised to see the photo of all of us on the site! What great memories we had there. I am looking forward to having you and Brenna join us for another trip to the San Juans sometime! ((((hugs)))) to both you and Brenna! Love you! xoxo Kim

Trish Rowley

Hi Kim, it looks like you had a perfect day out. It brings back memories of my Mum one of her favourite things in the world to do was to catch the Manly ferry over to Manly then take a stroll along the esplanade inspecting every shop along the way. Then she would grab some fresh fish and chips head down to the beach and just sit on Manly beach eat lunch and relax then back onto the ferry for the trip home. I did it with her many times she just loved it. My quilt is coming along very slowly I'm onto the second embroidery but I am having fun doing it all the ladies are doing well and way past me with the quilt I'm gathering it will take me 2 years at this pace to finish it lol. It's Monday and a public holiday for the Queens birthday here so I think I will sit for awhile this afternoon and do a bit. Have a great day Kim. xox Trish ;)


Hi Trish,
So happy to see you! I hope you have had an enjoyable day! Sounds like your Mother had some wonderful times taking the ferry over to Manly. These are nice memories for you. I love recalling things that my Mother used to do. So nice God gives us the abilty to remember.... We had a great time at Friday Harbor. Looking forward to going back this summer. I am sure that your quilt is looking beautiful! Sounds like you are taking your time and doing a great job on it. That is the best way, I think. You will have an heirloom when you are finished...something to be passed on and treasured! Have a beautiful day! Happy Birthday to the Queen! ((((hugs)))) Kim

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