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Saturday, July 30, 2011


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Red Rose Alley

I absolutely LOVE these Italy pictures. My Mother- in-law used to hang some of her clothes to dry in her back yard, and she raised many kids. I have so much respect for her. I know it's alot easier to just use the washer and dryer nowadays, but when I see how women used to do their laundry, I have much admiration for them. Thank you for sharing those photos with us, and please tell your son and his fiance that they took some fabulous pictures.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley


You are so right about remembering the ordinary, day to day things. I remember my mom and my grandma hanging clothes and linens out on the clothes line. To me, there is nothing better than sleeping on fresh linens that were hung outside.....i can "almost" smell the fresh scent!

I also remember food that my mother and grandmother made. I could make the same thing now, but, it doesn't taste the same as when they would make it.

Your story also reminded me of a plaque/sign I just purchased that reads, "Life is anot measured by the number of breaths that you take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

Hope you have a great Sunday!

Love you.

Bluebirds and Butterflies

Hi Lori,
Thanks for sharing your wonderful memories, too! I love the saying you posted. I love sleeping on fresh air-dried sheets, too! I think the old ways were the best ways! I was glad that I got to help you have a nice memory when you came to visit recently....by taking you to the Norwegian bakery. Hope you are enjoying your Norwegian lights! Love ya, Kim

Bluebirds and Butterflies

Hi Sheri,
I am glad I brought back some memories for you, too. I will definitely give Brandon and Amy your warm wishes! Thank you so much. Have a happy day! xoxo Kim


Beautiful photos. Iespecially liked the last one of the Italian arch.

Lavender Dreams

I love the images of Italy! It's my dream to visit there some day...I know I've told you that! And it's nice to have good memories to share! Hugs! ♥

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