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Monday, August 01, 2011


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Julie Harward

I love the wood floors in that old store..and the little birds! They are so cute, it would be fun to just sit and watch them bob away! ;D

Red Rose Alley

Hello Kim,
I LOVE the birds! The domed glass is so pretty and can be used for so many things...even holiday decor. Isn't it great when we stumble across new boutiques? Those quaint little shops are filled with unique things. There is a shop that I've been wanting to go to in Jess' town, and I think we may go in a couple of weeks. I'll let you know if I buy anything there. Glad you had a good time browsing in this lovely boutique.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Lavender Dreams

I love stores with unique items! The birds would be cute on our balcony, too! Tonight when I went walking just around our building, I saw a wild turkey roosting up in a tree! I was glad I walked with my camera in hand! Enjoy your evening! ♥


One of our FAVOURITE places is Port Townsend. When the kids were young, our great baby sitter would come once a month and Randy and I would drive the Chuckanut Drive to La Conner, have lunch and drive like mad to catch the ferry to our favourite B&B The James House. It's no longer a B&B but someone's home now. Have you been to the THAI rest?? OMG our favourite rest. in PT. Funny, we were just talking about the great get aways we had there.
Thanks for the memories.
BTW. Do you know another blogger lady from Bainbridge Island called Teresa? She's from Alabama. I used to blog with her. She has a cute golden doodle dog called Doogan. You can find her at blooming on bainbridge. I think you'll like her. She's cute like you and fun and adventurous.

Bluebirds and Butterflies

Hi lovely lady Claudie,
It is great that you have been to Port Townsend. There are many B & B's located there, and it is wonderful that you were able to stay in one of them. My husband and I enjoy going to B & B's. It is one of our hobbies actually...great way to get away, and they are so much better than hotels....more personal. Thank you sooooooo much, Claudie, for the nice comments. I did know that you live in beautiful Canada...our neighbors and a gorgeous place. I am hoping to explore more of your great area as I can. I have not had the pleasure of meeting Teresa on the blogs. I am actually heading to Bainbridge Island this morning to catch the ferry to Seattle to meet my college son for lunch today. I will have to look up Teresa's blog. You, know, I took a knitting class with a nice gal named Teresa from Alabama about a year ago or so. It was a one day class at a Bainbridge Island shop called...Churchmouse Yarns and Tea. I am wondering if this is the same gal? Hmmm....will have to ask on her blog. You, Claudie, have a beautiful blog. Looks like you enjoy your life which is fun to see and read about. I think this is the beginning of a great blogging friendship. Have a great day there in Canada. xoxo Kim

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